Archive for 2011

Prediction the meaning of the numbers 11-11-11;…..??

Posted in Culture with tags , , on 2011/11/10 by PREdiction

Prediction the meaning of the numbers 11-11-11. As a stand alone item 11 implies the ground. From the land back to the ground; land of origin of life and end of life. Only land that could take all anything that is given to him, sweet taste bitter or anything. Snatched that can shut anything intentionally hidden or not.

In a letter to 11 Al Quran has been informed that some disaster befalls on the previous behavior and the vagaries of behavior because that’s outside the limits of reasonableness.

Prediction of the meaning of the numbers 11-11-11. In this 11-11-11 was the day Friday. From Abu Hurairah that Muhammad radhiyallohu anhu shallallohu alaihi wasallam said, “Lord of the day the sun rises it is Friday; her Adam was created, inserted into heaven and also issued therefrom as well as the Apocalypse not happened but rather on Friday “(narrated by Muslim)

Prediction of the meaning of the numbers 11-11-11. When we realize none of these are worth that God created and containing goals and purpose we have to dig and learn.

This is only a Prediction mere, because only God alone Is true over all his will.